My Personal Learning Network [PLN]

Educational technology is a rapidly evolving field. In order to remain competitive as educators, we have embrace a culture of rapid innovation. We can’t afford to await packaged instructions, especially when it comes to navigating disruptive change. We all develop our own robust learning networks that usually outrun formal education. I’ve created a sample map of my learning network:


You’ll note that I have a few main sources of learning: my main professional organization (EDUCAUSE), professional development, the internet, my colleagues, the library, and what I’m calling “direct study”. Direct study means first-hand reflection on my practice, experiment, and consulting.

Every day, it seems there’s a new business area where IT may be able to to help. We work on new learning tools, financial systems, and a variety of unpredictable new things. Every problem in the organization, no matter how obscure, may suddenly benefit from something IT. I must constantly learn all about all aspects of the business. How does the admissions process work? What’s trending in community-based learning and research? How is the US Department of Education First in the World program structured?

Just this week, we learned that a new top-level internet domain (TLD), .college, was released. TLDs are the root at the end of each web address (.com, .org, .net). Universities mostly use .edu domains, which are highly regulated by EDUCAUSE. Should we purchase a .college domain? What if somebody else registers a website for our institution with .college and uses it in unsavory ways? This question came up, and we had to decide on a course of action quickly. I as first alerted to the problem through blog I read using Feedly. I used my colleagues around the university to consult and EDUCAUSE (specifically email discussion lists) to gather details and make a decision.

Our personal networks are always growing, often unwieldy, and resist easy organization. But I couldn’t live without it.

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